CSSTools2 Lite-Cinematic Studio Strings Tool V2.1 Lite M4L Device(Zh&En)
Darling Lee
Main functions:
1.Control articulations,expression(cc#11) and modulation(cc#1) by autumation;
2.Fix the instrument latency bcontrol by setting the tab of FixLtc to 1 and setting the delay of the track to -320 ms.
Compared with the full version, the following functions are missing:
1.All articutions (Modulating wheel is no longer required for use);
2.Vibrato X-Fade Dial;
3.Portamento Volume Dial;
4.Legato Switcher;
5.Sordino Switcher.
If you love my work, please buy me coffee and get the full version here:https://darlinglee.gumroad.com/l/csstool2 or just click "By me" on the plugin.
This product is not currently for sale.
CSSTools2 Lite-Cinematic Studio Strings Tool V2.1 Lite M4L Device(Zh&En)
1.08 MB
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