LA Scoring Strings 3 Tools M4L Device V2.0 (En & Zh)
Lass3 M4L toolbox, with it you can control almost all the parameters of the instrument, and you can control them by automation. The device's interface reproduces the instrument's page.
The tool box contains three devices, V for Violin and Viola,C for Cello, B for Basses.
With it, you no longer need to remember the tedious key-switch, but also can easily control all the articulations and functions of the instrument, greatly simplifying the creation process.
工具箱一共包含三个设备,V用在小提和中提, C用在大提, B用在倍大提。
V2.0 update log:
1. Add the function of fixing latency. You only need to light up the "FixLtc" button and set the delay of the track to -120ms (normal mode) or -420ms (lookahead mode);
2. Integrate V, C and B into a single device. You only need to select different instrument types on different instrument tracks to control the instrument you select.
3. The midi signal routing is optimized.
v2.0 更新日志:
LA Scoring Strings 3 Tools M4L Device V2.0(En & Ch)